Our funds

Longchamp Autocall

The Longchamp Autocall Fund (the “Fund”) seeks to deliver an annualized performance net of fees higher than that of €STR Capitalized +8.5Bps +6.3% over the recommended investment period of 5 years minimum.

To achieve this goal, the investment manager essentially implements a strategy based on an Autocall portfolio diversified in terms of underlyings, issuers and entry points.

The Fund is structured around two main blocks:

  • A “Core” allocation, the Autocall portfolio
  • A “Satellite” allocation, the Diversification portfolio

The allocations’ weightings target 70% for the Autocall portfolio is 70% and 30% for the Diversification portfolio.

The “Satellite” portfolio of diversification aims to mitigate the effects of significant equity market corrections.

Characteristics of the Strategy:

  • Exposure to European and U.S. equity markets.
  • More defensive profile than direct exposure to equity markets.
  • Diversification of issuers, entry points and sectors.
  • Partial protection of capital.
  • Underperformance vs underlying in bull markets.

Longchamp Asset Management benefits from its team’s expertise in structured products and has developed a unique expertise around three main blocks:

  • Research: Selection tools of the most interesting underlyings from a quantitative and qualitative point of view
  • Technical: Independence in the valuation of instruments for risk analysis

Execution: Best price and selection, and diversification of counterparties.


NAV : 1321.23EUR at 03/09/2024

  • J-1
  • 1 mois
  • 3 mois
  • YTD
  • 2023
  • 12 month
  • 24 month
  • 36 month
  • 60 month
  • Origin*
  • -0.46%
  • +4.9%
  • -2.61%
  • +6.74%
  • +17.87%
  • +8.34%
  • +35.07%
  • +23.46%
  • +35.3%
  • +32.12%
  • 12 month
  • 24 month
  • 36 month
  • 60 month
  • Creation
  • +8.34%
  • +35.07%
  • +23.46%
  • +35.3%
  • +32.12%

* Origin : 29/04/2019 | Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


View the performances from
29 april 2019

april   2019

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
03 september 2024

september   2024

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
  • au
Interval selection :
1M 3M YTD 1Y 2Y Origin *

* Origin : 29/04/2019 | Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Performance history

  • Année
  • jan
  • feb
  • mar
  • apr
  • may
  • juin
  • juil
  • aug
  • sept
  • oct
  • nov
  • dec
  • Total
  • 2024
  • 0.77%
  • -0.45%
  • 5.25%
  • -0.51%
  • 4.54%
  • -3.21%
  • 1.34%
  • -1.31%
  • +6.74%
  • 2023
  • 10.64%
  • 1.57%
  • -5.42%
  • 1.69%
  • -0.33%
  • 3.24%
  • 4.59%
  • -0.35%
  • 0.16%
  • -2.86%
  • 1.73%
  • 2.74%
  • 17.87%
  • 2022
  • 0.73%
  • -6.63%
  • -0.36%
  • -2.04%
  • 4.01%
  • -6.74%
  • 0.61%
  • -1.56%
  • -7.47%
  • 6.94%
  • 10.44%
  • -1.81%
  • -5.36%
  • 2021
  • -2.17%
  • 6.02%
  • 2.91%
  • 1.4%
  • 1.39%
  • 0.82%
  • -0.4%
  • 1.36%
  • 0.41%
  • 2.67%
  • -1.74%
  • 2.79%
  • 16.31%
  • 2020
  • -1.61%
  • -3.9%
  • -15.95%
  • 3.05%
  • 2.84%
  • 2.56%
  • -3.45%
  • 2.77%
  • -5.89%
  • -2.95%
  • 19.17%
  • 0.1%
  • -6.61%
  • 2019
  • 4.92%
  • -2.12%
  • 0.8%
  • -0.05%
  • -1.14%
  • 3.91%
  • 0.47%
  • 0.72%
  • -0.34%
  • 2.16%

* Origin : 29/04/2019 | Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.